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  1. Love Yourself

    Boss Bands not playing?

    I have been having trouble with all of the DVDs for the last few days. They play, then they get stuck. Live works fine and so do all of the othering streaming that I have.
  2. Love Yourself

    Happy Birthday Cathe!

    Happy birthday Cathe Thank you for continuing to be an inspiration for all of us
  3. Love Yourself

    June 13, 2019

    I am wondering the same thing.
  4. Love Yourself

    March 14, 2019

    Yay!! Looking forward to this. I love the DVD.
  5. Love Yourself

    Exclusively Weights

    I agree with weights only. I would actually love a Gym Style 2 but a little shorter than the original.;)
  6. Love Yourself

    How much does weight affect your happiness?

    Weight & Happiness I think all of you look great. I read and lurk on these forums daily and I'm inspired by all of you. Most of you are over 40, (most of you) and from what I've seen as far as workouts and your pictures, you are all beautiful women. You should all be proud of yourselves. I...