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    Need help getting back on track

    Hi Cathe (and educated crowd!), I have been a dedicated exerciser for over 20 years. I love all types of workouts, especially my Cathe videos. Unfortunately, I have fallen off the wagon ... and I can't get up! I got a dog a few months ago and he takes up all of my extra time. I try and get my...
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    Cathe, You're Amazing!

    I live in California and I received my package on Monday. All day I had been alternating between extreme anticipation and extreme doubt that my package would arrive so quickly on the "left coast." When I got home and saw the package, I tore it open, and while I had been fretting over which...
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    Substitutions for Gym Style and STS Plyo Legs?

    I want to do Cathe's Sept. rotation but I don't own Gym Style or STS. It should be OK to substitute Slow and Heavy for Gym Style (right?) -- but what should I sub for STS plyo legs? I do have Hardcore Extreme which has a few really tough leg drill workouts -- I think I'll sub in those. Advice...
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    Said it before, I'll say it again: Cathe, you're the best!

    Hi Cathe, I've been doing your workouts since 1999 and, since I work out with you nearly every day, I just wanted to pop in and tell you how much I truly value your work. Obviously your workouts are the gold standard, but what really impresses me is how you've created such an amazing, successful...
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    P.M. workouts -- do they work for you?

    I'm curious if anyone out there chooses to work out AFTER dinner, like at 7 or 7:30 p.m. I'm a full-time working mother and I've found that with the start of a new school year what's really working for our family is if I get home from work, help with homework, make dinner and THEN workout while...
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    Doctor or Chiropractor?

    Doctor first, then chiro I've had the same kind of problem with my back so I totally feel for you. I would definitely suggest you visit your doctor to treat or even rule out any serious problems. Then, get a recommendation from a trusted friend (or maybe even your own GP) for a qualified...