Search results

  1. fitdeb

    Orthovisc Injections

    Just wondering if any of you have had hyaluronic acid injections in your knees. I have been dealing with a torn meniscus in my right knee that cortisone no longer seems to help. I have very mild osteoarthritis, nothing advanced enough to worry about something like knee replacement, and the...
  2. fitdeb

    How "old" is "old"?

    This is a question I have been pondering of late. Google says that if you are 65 or older you are considered elderly. I am 65 and there is no time-zone, planet or even a dimension in which I would consider that I am ELDERLY! I have been working out for 40 years exactly (got a Jane Fonda VHS...
  3. fitdeb

    morton's neuroma

    Good Morning, I was wondering if any of you have dealt with Morton's Neuroma (self diagnosed) and perhaps have some suggestions on inserts, etc. Thanks in advance, Debbie
  4. fitdeb


    So I got swept up in the Black Friday sales and bought a kettlebell set (5-10-15-20), now I just need a good workout to go with them :) Would love some suggestions from those in the know. Thanks, Deb
  5. fitdeb


    Any kind - but especially something like the perfect30 HIIT pair. Another kickboxing workout would be wonderful. Thanks.
  6. fitdeb

    Rebounder Recommendation

    I have been toying with the idea of adding rebounder workouts. Any recommendations, positive or not, would be very appreciated. Also, if you do use a rebounder, do you just adapt Cathe's workouts or do you like a specific instructor? Thanks, Debbie
  7. fitdeb

    Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training

    Just wondering, does anyone incorporate this into the training? I am beginning to read up on it and the theory behind it is quite intriguing. Your thoughts and experiences would be appreciated. Thanks, Deb
  8. fitdeb

    To gray or not to gray.

    I have been coloring my dark brown hair for what seems like centuries, well okay, in reality - decades. Frankly I am tired of it, but somewhat frightened of stopping. I would say, judging from my roots, I am about 50% gray so growing it out will be challenging. I am a personal trainer/health...
  9. fitdeb

    Blue Star Shopping Center

    Cathe, am I remembering correctly that you used to teach classes at a gym located in the Blue Star Shopping Center in North Plainfield/Greenbrook area in the early 80's?
  10. fitdeb

    Stick Mobility Workouts

    My new favorite mobility workouts - There are a ton of free workouts on youtube. I got my sticks a couple of weeks ago and have been adding the workouts into my regular rotations. You can do a full mobility workout or just specific targeted stretches. The QL stretch is...
  11. fitdeb

    New Year's Eve

    Every year-end we look forward to the new year to come and to reflect on the year that has passed. No matter what side of "things" you are on, I believe we can all agree that 2020 was, well, a MESS. For some maybe just a "the toilet backed up" kind of mess and for others a "stinking tidal wave...
  12. fitdeb

    Mom Jeans!

    For the past 8 months it seems as if all I wear is work out attire (or my pajamas :rolleyes:), so I decided it was time to buy some new jeans. Scrolling through GAPs offerings and what did I find???? Actual MOM JEANS! That's what they are calling them, for real. They are listed as MOM JEANS...
  13. fitdeb

    Meniscus Repair Surgery

    My right knee has been unhappy for months, so I was finally able to get an MRI last week. I have managed to tear my lateral meniscus and have a meniscal cyst! I am meeting with a surgeon next week. Ironic thing is it barely hurts (I thought it was my IT Band). I was being cautious with super...
  14. fitdeb

    If you were attending the Daytona Road Trip what question would you ask....

    during the Q&A with Cathe? I would ask "How many workout outfits/clothes do you have and how/where do you keep them?" Considering my personal workout clothing collection is kind of out of control because I hate to get rid of pieces that I really like, plus I really LOVE buying new pieces; I...
  15. fitdeb

    prAna clothing?

    Does anyone have any experience with ordering from prAna? They offer a program for certified fitness instructors that gives you up to a 50% discount off of their full retail prices. I am very tempted, but really have never heard of the company. Any insight would be appreciated, Thanks, Debbie
  16. fitdeb

    PoundFit Workouts

    Has anybody tried these? I am always skeptical of info-mercial workouts -- but this actually looks like fun. Thanks, Debbie
  17. fitdeb

    Arizona Cathletes HELP!

    Several months ago I made travel plans to visit my god-daughter and her boyfriend in Scottsdale. Airline tickets - check; rental car - check; house rented - check; god-daughter still living in Scottsdale - uh.... no! Got a phone call out of the blue, she left her boyfriend and moved back...
  18. fitdeb


    Does anyone in Catheland subscribe to Birchbox, the monthly "beauty" delivery subscription? Seems like it would be fun to get samples of new products each month. Thanks, Debbie
  19. fitdeb


    Just wondering if anyone out there in Cathe Land has had experience (good or bad) with facial micro-needling. My dermatologist's practice has just started to offer this procedure. The claim is that it will reduce pore size and improve skin texture and tightness. It's not cheap - $300+ per...
  20. fitdeb

    Question about tipping...

    To tip or not to tip... I have an appointment for a facial with a woman who owns her own practice. She rents space in a "salon loft" setting. Am I supposed to tip her? The facial is $95, if so, how much? My feelings have been that you don't tip the owner of the practice, only employees. I am...