Recent content by lynnb

  1. L

    How much water is too much water?

    So weird I thought it was just me on the feeling of nausea when I drink to much water
  2. L

    The 2011 Cathe Disney RT Official Find-A-Roommate Thread

    fitladydi I'm still looking for a roommate & hoping to find one before the end of the week as I may have to cancel if can't find someone to share the cost of the hotel room. Thanks Lynn
  3. L

    Who's in ???

    Agzo,I had some reservations about this trip it's not cheap but I live in the Altamonte area Disney only 45 min away couldn't pass up the chance to meet Cathe & work out with her. Hope to see you there.
  4. L

    wkout buddies

    >Lynn, > >You might want to visit the check-ins and challenges thread >and join a group (or more than one group) there. There are all >sorts of daily threads - for runners (that's the cheetahs), >P90Xers, Body for Lifers, Weight Watchers, those looking to >lose 10 lbs., those trying to fit...
  5. L

    My remote became my handweight in B&G!

    You nailed it Butts and Gutts is one tough wkout on the legs. I can make it through but take breaks drop wt. sizes & have to wait at least 2 to 3 days before attempting again. My heating pad is my friend after this wkout.:7
  6. L

    wkout buddies

    I'd like to have wkout buddies for encouragement,accountability & would hope to form some fun friendships. I'm new to this forum & Cathe's wkouts which are great they give me the challenge I was looking for & enjoy her style of instruction. If you'd like to share wkouts,comments, laughs I'd be...