Recent content by Lisa Turnbull

  1. Lisa Turnbull

    Ripped with HIIT series 2

    I too would love this!
  2. Lisa Turnbull


    Hi all, I totally agree there needs to be another Advanced Series made. A combination of HiiT, Tabata, Bootcamp and STS mini workouts. I've been using Cathe's workouts for 16 years and yes, have certainly relied on the low impact whilst pregnant or recovering from an operation, so Cathe has...
  3. Lisa Turnbull

    Cast Members

    Hi from Australia Cathe! I always purchase your DVD's and am inspired by the cast members, including yourself. Are you able to post background information on the cast members eg. their routines, their diets, hobbies etc just so we, as the consumer, get to peer inside the life of a fitness...
  4. Lisa Turnbull

    How many times?

    That is perfect! Thanks so much Nathalie. I was always curious as to how they could complete such a hard workout like HIIT under those hot stage lights and not pass out!!! :)
  5. Lisa Turnbull

    How many times?

    Hi, I'm just curious as to how many times Cathe and her crew have to film one workout? I can tell by previous HIIT workouts that they have been done at least twice. Do they have to perform these workouts twice on the same day? Or do they come back the next day to film the same workout...