Recent content by EllenMHM

  1. EllenMHM

    Beachbody question

    I like 80 Day Obsession because it really activates the glutes which has helped me with my knee issues. I have not made it all the way through the 80 days, however, without switching back to Cathe!!! I'm trying once more and supplementing, at least at the start, with short cardio workouts from...
  2. EllenMHM

    Anyone watch Physical on Apple TV??

    It's intriguing....a little dark and do wonder what's going to happen next!!!
  3. EllenMHM

    Please stop screaming during Live workouts.

    I did my first "live" workout--one from 2016--and I could hear all of the cues. There was a "whoop" at the start that freaked my cat out, but it actually made me nostalgic for the days when my schedule permitted participation in group exercise at a gym.
  4. EllenMHM

    Fit tower and modified pullups

    Thanks, everyone!!!
  5. EllenMHM

    Fit tower and modified pullups

    Does anyone use a fit tower for modified pullups? I am thinking about getting one and that it might work for programs w/pullups as well as Cathe videos. Thanks!