Recent content by eleonela

  1. E

    Gym audio workout

    I would like an mp3 series of workouts that can be used in the gym with focus on legs, arms, shoulders and abs with warm-up and cooldown. Thanks, Elena
  2. E

    Supplementing Cathe workout with the gym

    Good morning Cathe. I got a deal at a new gym near my house. If you don't mind please suggest a workout for me that would complement your weight workouts, something that perhaps machines at the gym target better or that is impossible to do at home. I would have around an hour a day. Like...
  3. E

    how to buy a fitness ball?

    >I also am short, 5'2", but when I bought the ball for my >height, I found when I sat on it, my knees were not lined up >with my hips. Also when I did the shoulder exersises on the >ball my arms hit the ground. I pumped the ball up with air as >much as I could and still no go. Luckily I...
  4. E

    Premix on KPC and Legs and Glutes

    Tell me that I'm not creasy. Today I did that longest premix in KPC and Legs and Glutes. I've done that premix several times. Usually I go through Premixes on Legs and Glutes side. Today I thought what the difference and went thru KPC side. It was nagging forever, something is missing. I...
  5. E

    Step Kick DVD

    I was doing Low Max today and thought that it would be nice to have the same format as Low Max but all the combinations have a kickbox feel to it. I think out of 7 routines I enjoy the step kick combinations the most. DVD would follow the same format as Low Max. Low impact step kick section then...
  6. E

    My suggestion

    I would like sort of Strength and Stretch DVD. Lately I've been experimenting and getting very good results where you exaust muscle by doing strength exercizes and then immediately after do stretch. You can go so much deeper in your stretch that way, especially for lower body. I was using Cathe...
  7. E

    Will anyone post Hardcore workout sheets?

    Susan, Could you please email me a copy of spreadsheet too? I would greatly appreciate it. My e-mail is [email protected] Thanks, Elena
  8. E

    Find a letter... in your teenagers pocket, would you read it?

    RE: Find a your teenagers pocket, would you read it? Well, I have 16 year old. I listen on the phone when she talk. I read her diary and I installed a computer program that spys on her. I am glad I did. Elena
  9. E


    I would like to see the following: 1. I really like no weight workout using only your body weight. It would be great for travelling. It can still be very intense. 2. Circuit training workout - 2 min cardio 1 min weights. 3. Comprehensive weight training workout, especially for upper...
  10. E

    Step tape for the next series

    I really like step portion in Step, Jump and Pump. I want a longer step tape of the same format where you do a fun segment and then never repeat that segment again. The tape should be around 60 minutes with fun creative choreography and nice long athletic stretch in the end. Not yoga (there are...
  11. E

    Green Tea

    Hi, I drink a fusion tea from stash. It called green-white fusion. I found the taste is milder than green tea. And actually white tea has even more antioxidants than green tea. The only thing because this tea is so light, I would put a tea bag in a cup for at least a minute and then I drink...
  12. E

    One tiny request for future series

    Could you please when you do premixes. Also do them by body part. For example, today I just want it do shoulders from muscle endurance. It is 3 different exercizes. After end of one exercise DVD returned to menu and I have to select next exercise. I had to do the same thing 3 more times. So, if...
  13. E


    I would like a tape where you use your own body weight no weights just yourself, so you can use the tape on vacation or anywhere you go. Also I really like you gauntlet mix on terminator. So if there is a tape like this it would be good. Lena
  14. E

    Question about juicers?

    Hi, I used to have the same juicer as you. If you use it often enough. It will brake. When my broke I bought juice lady juicer which good, but not work as good as I hoped for. I think there is one on TV advertised by Jake Lalane. That looks like a good juicer. The junior one cannot juice...
  15. E

    Shoes in Rhytmic Step

    Cathe, I love all of your workouts. Could you please tell me which shoes you use in Rhytmic Step. I wanted to see if I can buy them. Thanks in advance. Elena