
When I began doing Cathe Workouts
How I found out about Cathe Workouts
Some ladies on the old Video Fitness website used to rave about "Cathe Friedrich". I had never heard of her before but the enthusiasm of her fans was contagious. This was 1997. I decided to give step aerobics a try and I was hooked! Then, Cathe's awesome strength workouts kept me coming back for more. She is SUPERB!
Why I love doing Cathe Workouts
Cathe always keeps things fun and interesting! She's like an old friend. I still can't levitate myself but maybe someday....
Where I work out most often
Other Workout DVDs that I own
I own all the early Firm VHS tapes but really, once I started doing Cathe's workouts, I didn't feel I needed to supplement with anything else. I also have a few non-Cathe yoga/stretching DVDs, but those too have been surpassed by Cathe's LIS Yoga DVDs. Two non-Cathe rehab-style yoga/stretching DVDs that I WOULD recommend are "Viniyoga" and "The Egoscue Method". Those are good for folks that have running related issues such as tight hamstrings, IT bands and achey lower backs.
My Fitness Goals
I believe that age is just a number and many times the only limitations we have are the ones we place on ourselves. I'm the same age as Cathe Friedrich. I would like to enter "middle-agedom" with a healthy, can-do, positive attitude. I would also like to be able to keep up with Cathe and her crew when they do all of those insane push-up variations in the STS series!!!



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