
Running, Weight Training
Sep 24, 1967 (Age: 56)
When I began doing Cathe Workouts
August, 2008
How I found out about Cathe Workouts
Found her on FitTV while on vacation
Why I love doing Cathe Workouts
Such a challenge and very motivating!
Where I work out most often
My Fitness Goals
Run a marathon in February, 2009
Tone and sculpt my body
My Success Story
I have always enjoyed running and have a long standing goal to complete a marathon. After having my 4th child I weighed over 200 pounds and developed plantar fasciitis. I could barely walk, much less run. I opted for natural enzymes and fish oil over RX drugs to help the inflamation and last September completed a half-marathon. I started resistance training this past January and noticed a big improvement in my pace and started to see defitnition in my body. That's when my body really started to change!

While on vacation this summer I discovered Cathe on FitTV, and I am hooked. I can now vary my workouts to keep my muscles guessing and feel like I have my own personal trainer! I am now training for the Myrtle Beach Marathon in Feb. 2009.
Teaching Assistant/Exceptional Children