Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


I did another dance with the veil today.

Debbie - glad your mom is doing better. Great job on your workout at the gym. Yes, dancing is good for the mind. Not to mention I love it. It’s still cold. I hope it goes quickly too.

Cookie - safe travels. Congrats on your nephew’s wedding.

Good night.
'Evening! Not much today other than riding in the car and trying to get steps whenever we stopped. Made it to Harrisonburg, VA. My optimistic dh only brought a sweatshirt for traveling and is freezing. I, on the other end of the temperature spectrum have a long down coat.

Deb, hope you're setting back in smoothly.

Belinda, does dancing with a veil make the dancing more challenging?

Today was a walk outside with the sun shinning not too bad. Also did Boss band glutes (saving core for the weekend). I had a dentist appointment for a cleaning and now they want me to get another wisdom tooth out:( for a total of 3 teeth.

Belinda - Great job getting a dance workout in. Do you enjoy the music?

Cookie - Have a nice time at the wedding. What part of TN is it? That would be my DH bringing a sweatshirt instead of warmer clothes.


Today was a walk outside & Boss bands Total body. Tomorrow we are getting lots of rain & wind. Hopefully you all aren't getting the storm.

Going to our favorite restaurant, haven't been there in 2 months.

Belinda & Cookie - Have a nice weekend:)
Hi everyone,

Yesterday I did XTrain biceps and triceps. Today I did a dane workout.

Debbie - great job on your walk outside and boss band. We got the rain today.

Cookie - yes, using the veil is make it more challenging. Today we used a cane. Very callenging. Your DH sounds like mine, lol. It’s cold outside.

Good night.

Today was a rest day. Too much rain, wind & cold to be outside.

Belinda - Your dance workouts sound interesting using a veil & cane. I'm sure it is challenging. How is your DD feeling?

Waves hi to Cookie


Today was suppose to be a rest day. I did GS Legs today. I have my infusion tomorrow, hopefully I don’t feel like the last time.

We plan on picking up the RV on Thursday. Right now the weather doesn’t look too bad. We are keeping an eye on the weather. We are not driving in snow. Fingers crossed there isn’t any snow.

Debbie - it looks easy, but it’s not easy to dance with the veil or a cane. I do better with the veil than the cane, lol. Sounds like you have the same weather we having. I would have taking a rest day, I am trying to stay on track with the Cathe March rotation. I hope you had a great rest day yesterday.

Cookie - are you in TN yet? Have lots of fun and be safe.

I will try to check in later on Monday.

Today was a walk. It also was a sauce week, which I will most of for Easter week. Happy it's done.

Belinda - Nice GS legs workout. Good luck with your infusion tomorrow. Exciting that you will pick up RV on Thursday. I'll keep my fingers crossed for no snow, hopefully it will be too warm.

Cookie - Have a nice time in TN.

'Evening! Had a great time visiting with family and friends this weekend. Did the drive home in one day and it was worth it to sleep in my own bed. Had a bad headache today, so took a rest day. A big snow/ice storm here, so I was glad to miss it. The poor house/dog sitter had to shovel a walkway to the driveway, and it was heavy wet snow. Lots of folks still w/o power due to ice.

Deb, it was in Greeneville, TN. Is that near where your sil lives? Hope today was pleasant weather for you to get a walk in. How many are you expecting for Easter?

Belinda, hoping the infusion goes smoothly tomorrow. I would probably trip over the cane! You must be much more graceful than I am. Hope the weather holds up for you picking up the rv on Thursday.

Today was a walk outside & legs at the gym. I also organized taxes for the accountant, happy that's over:)

Belinda - I hope all went well today. I'm sure you are exhausted. It's supposed to rain here on Thursday, not sure about NY.

Cookie - It sounds like your wedding was nice. It's great you missed the storm and hopefully it will melts quickly. My SIL lives about 4 hours away. TN is bigger than you would think.

Good morning,

My infusion went well yesterday, besides the tiredness afterwards. Today I have an Orthodontist appointment. Fingers crossed….she will take out all the attachments and I am done with invisalign today.
I am going to try to do a weight workout today. Not sure when? We need to get the car ready for Thursday. I am not done packing. Not sure what to bring winter or summer clothes?

Debbie - thank you. The infusion went well. I am ever exhausted afterwards. I feel better today. Great job on your leg workout and taxes.

Cookie - sounds like the wedding was nice. I hope the snow melts soon. We are watching the weather for winter storms. I hope by Thursday we are ready and the roads are clear.

I will be back later.

I am done with Invisalign. I am waiting for my permanent night retainers. Yeah!

I feel a lot better today after the infusion. Not so tired like the first time.

I have no workout to report. I started cleaning my house and packing up the car for Thursday. DH and I will go to an Expo in Richmond tomorrow. We have very little time to get anything done tomorrow. Glad the house is done. Laundry is done. Now I am tired. I will try to get up super early tomorrow morning to get my weight workout in.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside. I went and had my hair color done which took a long time.

Belinda - Good to hear the infusion went well. It must feel good to be done with the invisalign. Even though you are so used to it. Does the Baltimore collapse affect you? It is a sad story:(

Waves hi to Cookie

Good morning,

I got up at 3:30 am to get GS Back, Shoulder and Biceps in.

Debbie - great job on your walk outside. What color is your hair? I’ll bet it looks amazing. It was very nice day yesterday. Unfortunately I had to pack up the car. No the Baltimore collapse will not affect me. We driving to Buffalo NY. Very sad. The infusion went well. It knocked me out at the center. Yeah, on the Invisalign . She still wants me to wear the last retainer for a few more month to make sure that one tooth stays in place. Which isn’t a problem. Got my lingual braces put on top yesterday. I got lingual braces upper and lower to prevent my teeth from shifting. It’s takes a little more time to clean/brush/floss my teeth. My top lingual are tighter than my bottom ones when I floss, they are harder to reach. I need a special floss for the lingual braces. I am sure I will get used to them.

'Evening! Guess I forgot to it post yesterday. All day meetings today and this evening. Just getting home. So will have to count today as a rest day.

Deb, bet your hair looks even more beautiful than usual. Have you gone to the same stylist for a while? I'm internally debating trying someone new, that's why I'm asking.

Belinda, safe travels tomorrow. Congratulations on the Invisalign and the infusion!
'Evening! Got in Perfect 30 UB and an Essentrics today. Boy, it felt good to get in some really good movement and workouts.

Deb, do you mind me asking what do you usually serve for Easter? Think it may be just dh and eldest ds this year for us.

Belinda, hope the travel and pick up of the rv goes smoothly.

Yesterday was a walk outside & upper body at the gym. Today I didn't any workouts in, took my brother & mother to Dr.'s appointments & errands. My Mom is doing much better lots of improvements.

Belinda - You are dedicated getting your workouts in before traveling:) Good luck picking up the RV, can't wait to hear about it. How long do you have to keep the braces on? My hair is a light brown/blonde. It seems to be lighter at times.

Cookie - I switched colorist about a year ago. The one I was with for many years became so expensive. It wasn't bad when I needed to go less often but now with getting grey quicker I decided to change. I do like the new girl but I'm finding my hair to be drier. I am making a meat sauce, pasta & lasagna. Usually it's ravioli's for Easter but switched and made ravioli's for Christmas.

'Evening! Got in a walk, but boy was it windy!

Deb, that's one of the reasons I'm thinking of switching! The stylist is good but the prices have more than doubled in the past couple of years. Your meal sounds awesome! What time is dinner?

Belinda, hope all is going well with the rv pickup. Can't wait to hear about it.

Today was a walk outside & Metabolic Blast. It was windy but for a short time so not so bad. I ran a bunch of errands and it took a lot out of me.

Belinda - Wondering if learning about the RV is overwhelming.

Cookie - The small amount of wind we had went right through you, kudos on getting it done! Have you thought about what you will make for Easter? We have an early dinner about 4:00PM, because DS, SIL and my brother get up real early for work.

Good morning, sorry for not checking in. We are still at the dealership learning about the RV. We can’t bring our car back, the plate that they have to install on the car is the wrong one. Not safe to flat tow. Either we pick up the car or someone will bring it to us. We found a lot of wood work inside the RV that for the price we paid I want it fixed. The dealership and the owner of Tiffin are amazing. We have no complaints about them. We will send another night here. Tomorrow we are heading home. Our plan was to stop in Ohio to visit HD family. Without a car DH doesn’t feel safe to go. Plus we don’t want to be dependent on someone else for a ride. Yes, it’s overwhelming. I will try to catch up on personal later. Testing the washer and dryer right now.


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